Rizqi Rajabiy (1893-1978)

    The famous tanburchi, a mature musician,composer, teacher and perfect human sustenance Rajabi, who made a significant contribution to the Uzbek national sound art, was born in Tashkent in 1893.Father Rajabboy was a father butcher, and mother Oisha grandmother was an educated, well-educated horse with a thorough knowledge of classical literature and folk oral creativity. The rzqi Rajabi, whose years of youth were arduous, learned to read and write from his mother, later continuing his education in the old school and then in the madrasa. Soon, however, the madrasa was closed and rations took over the hardships of living.In his father’s garden, he worked as a carpenter and helped the poor. At the age of 12, an apprentice fell on the jeweler. At the age of 17-18, he worked independently as a jeweler.
The first to feed the young rations and teach the curtain, the tattoo, was his mentor Zufar ota. Later, Rizqi Rajabi went on to train in tanbur at the evening music Technical School in Tashkent. In this circle, he was attended by his younger brother Yunus Rajabi and his friend Imamjon Ikromov. After the successful Graduation, three students began to work as teachers at the Samarkand music education institution at the urging of the people’s Education Department.
In this country of knowledge, Haji Abdulaziz Abdurasulov, Levi Bobokhanov and other master artists taught. It was here that Father Rizqi became acquainted with the famous Hafiz Haji Abdulaziz, and with the support of that person, he begins to learn the ways of status from the elderly Hafiz of Samarkand. Rizqi master spent more of his free time in the House of Haji Abdulaziz. Seeing the passion of the father for art, grandfather Haji taught him the secrets of status tirelessly, and the master disciple goho went to weddings together. In such travels, rations were made by Father The Great Hafiz. At that time,there were few theaters, there were no seats, singers and musicians, the people showed their art mainly in tea rooms and weddings.
Rizqi acquired dutor clicking skills from his father’s teacher,Haji Bobo, along with learning tunes such as Buzruk, Bebogcha, Karimqulbegi. Even after the return of the father to Tashkent, the communication between the master disciple was not interrupted. Every time grandpa Haji came to Tashkent, his sustenance would certainly be a guest in the father’s household, and his sustenance would put the respect of the father’s master in place.
Rizqi Rajabi would later train with amateurs in Tashkent at the women’s school named after “Zebuniso”, a school named after Alisher Navoi, then a club under the music boarding school.Thus Rizqi Rajabi nurtured and cultivated famous artists such as Akbar Haydarov and Karim Zakirov in these dargahs. The next places of work of the master:a music Technical School,a club under the tram trust, a brick factory taught amateurs the secrets of playing tanbur,dutor. After working as a singer for a while in the theater named after Hamza,he got a job at the radio kumita of Uzbekistan. Here he worked as a music leader for 18 years, teaching young people the ways of singing and music.Rajabi was awarded the title “Honored artist of Uzbekistan” in 1938.
In 1944, in connection with the reduction of folk instrumental ensembles of the radio Committee, among all the famous singers and musicians R.Rajabi was also transferred to the Ohio State Philharmonic. Here, too, father Rizqi taught music and singing to young artists.
Since 1957, on the occasion of the restoration of the folk instrumental ensemble and orchestras, among all the famous musicians and singers, R.Rajabi is also invited to work for the radio. Rizqi ota, Uzbek folk songs, advises the folk instrumental ensemble because of his thorough knowledge of the ways of status. During these years, he has recorded more than 200 tunes in radio phonoteca, gramstudiya and Hamza Institute of art studies in tanbur with his son art scholar Isok Rajabiy on magnetic tape under dutor’s tutelage.
R.Rajabiy, people’s Artist of Uzbekistan Orif Kasimov,
Zabardast was a teacher who raised and raised famous musicians such as Mahmud Yunusov, Ghulam Kokhqorov, artists who served in Uzbekistan. Father Rizqi could perform about 500 tunes by heart. These include: Miskin, Adoiy, Sarparda, Nasrulloiy, Oromijan, Desert Iraq, Dil kuyi, Ajam, Bayat, Gulyori shahnoz and others.
R.As a composer, Rajabi composed 18 tunes. Of these, the singing of songs such as: well, I am obsessed, laugh, flourish, Oftobim is evidence of our opinion. In 1972, a traditional department will be opened under the Tashkent State Conservatory. To teach young students the secrets of playing tanbur, R.Rajabi is invited to work. Father Rizqi taught young people the secrets of tanbur clicking in this dargah until 1978, that is, for the rest of their lives. R.The musical legacy left by Rajabi has not lost its relevance to this day.