
Alexander Porfirievich Borodin is a great Russian composer, chemist scientist. He was born in St. Petersburg on November 12, 1833. Iilk receives his education from his parents. In 1850 he entered the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy, which he successfully graduated in 1856. His work in science is notable. In 1858, a.Borodin received the degree of Doctor of medical sciences, became a professor in 1864, head of the Department of chemistry of the Academy of Medicine and surgery in 1874, and an academic degree in 1877. His work in chemistry has not yet lost its scientific significance.

Since childhood, the scientist was interested in music and also achieved success in this field. In due course, a. Borodin independently studies composition techniques.M. In the 60s of the XIX century. A. Balakirev becomes a member of the mighty Gang led by Balakirev. In 1867, a. Borodin wrote himself his first symphony, the work in question brought him fame as a composer.

The composer is one of the creators of the Russian Classical Symphony. After his success a. Borodin began working on two major works at the same time. These are the Second Symphony (Bogatyrskaya, 1876) and the Opera “Prince Igor”, based on the plot of “a word about Igor’s walk”. Work on the Opera was carried out for 18 years and remained unfinished. After the death of the author, his work was published by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. K. Glazunov completes the Opera using his remaining sources. “Prince Igor” was staged in St. Petersburg in 1890. The music of the Opera is characterized by a bright heroic-epic character. Delicate lyricism is also A.Borodin was not alien to his creativity. His A. S. Pushkin, N. A. Nekrasov, G. A vivid example of this is the romances Geyne and himself wrote on the basis of his poems. Romance” for the shores of the Distant Homeland ” A.S.One of the most perfect artistic vocal icons of Pushkin’s lyrics.

A.Although Borodin’s legacy as a composer is not halman’s great, each of his works is truly masterpiece. F. List did not in vain rate him as a” huge and special talent.” The composer died in Petersburg on February 27, 1887.