Saidjon Kalonov (1914–1972)

   One of the exponents of the Uzbek School of composition, the talented singer and composer Saidjon Kalonov was born on June 30, 1914 in the village of Karkidon, Chust District of the Fergana Valley. Born into a Artisan family, Saidjan practiced flute from an early age. First in the old school, then from the 20s of the 20th century in the new school, he receives primary education. The school participates in a music circle. In 1925 he entered the musical Technical School in Tashkent and mastered the art of singing.
By fate, their family moved to Tashkent in 1927. He gets a job as a flute player in an ensemble of folk instruments organised by Yunus Rajabi under radio. Saidjon Kalonov, under the guidance of teachers, manages to pass exactly the teacher-Apprentice School. From the lessons of the teachers Abdukadir Ismailov, Yunus Rajabiy and Thotasin Jalilov, he tries to master not only the art of sound performance, but also samples of rich musical heritage. After graduating from the music Technical School, he studied for two years at the Samarkand Institute of music and choreography under the renowned naychi, master artist Abdukadir Ismailov. In 1932, he begins his career as a music director of The Musical drama Theater of the Fergana region.
Saidjon Kalonov has chosen scores for performances staged in the theater and leads the team to perform them in a rhythm. In particular, he chooses music for the musical play” Farhad and Shirin ” and composes a number of tunes and songs. The first sparks of the composition work of Saidjon Kalonov begin to manifest themselves in the same theater. In 1936, the State Philharmonic Society of Uzbekistan was founded in Tashkent. Saidjon Kalonov continues his career as a flute player in an ensemble led by Tokasin Jalilov.
Saidjon Kalonov begins to establish himself not only as a musician, but also as a leader of the ensemble, a composer who has provided the ensemble with new works. From 1948 until the end of his life he worked in the Uzbek folk instrument orchestra under the radio of Uzbekistan. Saidjon Kalonov’s composing work was sharpened in performance practice, at the expense of the excellent mastery of the styles and musical heritage of the teachers and as a product of his talent. At first, works in the spirit of patriotism, as well as on the topics of love, “Hello from Uzbekistan”, “come back with victory”, “love of the motherland”, “courage of friendship”, “sunny country”, “Gulmidi, Ra’nomidi?”, “Dilnavozim”,” Visol gulshani”,” O, sarvi ravon”, among others. The works of the composer, such as “O Sarvi ravon”, composed to the word Navoi, “Kuyla dilkash dutorim” to the poem Muqimi, are especially noted for their national-spiritual world, singing the exclamations of the hearts of the Uzbek people, reflecting their national traditions.
The composer’s distinctive style is characterized by simplicity, charm and originality. It is characteristic to play his works through a loud timbre voice, sounds that give the character of a disease. These works, which fill the soul of the listener with passion, require enthusiasm, have become unique musical examples of our people.