A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan and the creative school named after Hamid Olimjon and Zulfia.

A memorandum of cooperation was signed between the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan and the creative school named after Hamid Olimjon and Zulfia.

    In order to ensure the implementation of the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 11, 2024 “On measures to further improve the activities of creative schools” PQ-147, creative school named after Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya and the state of Uzbekistan a memorandum of mutual cooperation was signed between the conservatory.

In order to expand mutual cooperation between Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya creative school and the Uzbekistan State Conservatory, Abror Ataboyev, Deputy Director of Educational Affairs of the creative school, and the Uzbekistan State Conservatory “Uzbek language and social sciences” In the presence of the head of the department, Abdullayeva Munavvara, it was agreed on the future works.

Press service of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment.
