“Reforms in the field of education, state policy on youth”

"Reforms in the field of education, state policy on youth"

    A SKILL LESSON was held jointly by the professors and teachers of the “Musical Pedagogy” department of the UzDK and the professors and teachers of the UzDJTU on the topic of “Reforms in the field of education, state policy regarding youth”.

Associate Professor of the Department of “Musical Pedagogy” of UzDK, Candidate of Psychology, Academician of Turon FA, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy under Turon FA, Member of the International Turan Writers’ Association, by the decision of the Presidium of the World Philosophical Forum of the Aristotle Academy of Philosophy of Athens mainly the doctor of psychology G.A. Kurbonova introduced the guests to the guests, explained the goals of the reforms in the field of education and the state policy on youth, and gave the floor to the professors and teachers of UzDJTU.

In the master class, the speakers explained to the students the fundamental reforms in the history of our country under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Uzbekistan taking a worthy place in the world community, boldly moving forward from national recovery to national progress through life examples. The fact that a unique system of social development is being formed in our country, the importance of the Uzbekistan-2030 strategy in this regard, the fact that programs such as “Youth are our future”, “Five positive initiatives” encourage young people to think in a new way, as well as educational opportunities for young people expanding and created conditions were compared with examples and numbers.

During the master class, students’ questions about supporting and encouraging talented and talented young people were answered in detail.

At the event, professors and teachers of UzDJTU, doctor of psychological sciences, academician of Turon FA, professor G.A. Kurbonova, associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences M.M. Akhmedov, professors and teachers of UzDJTU, doctor of historical sciences, head of the department “History of Uzbekistan”, professor Nilufar Dzhurayeva, associate professor of the “Pedagogy and Psychology” department, candidate of pedagogic sciences M. Aripova, candidate of history sciences, associate professor N. Babadzhanova, PhD, associate professor N. Toliboyeva, senior teacher M. Bazarova, graduate students of UzDK and part-time 5th year students participated.

