On April 24 of this year, a creative meeting was held at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan with members of the Union of Writers Umida Abduazimova, Islam Hamroyev, Adiba Umirova within the framework of the “Sharing Enlightenment” project.

On April 24 of this year, a creative meeting was held at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan with members of the Union of Writers Umida Abduazimova, Islam Hamroyev, Adiba Umirova within the framework of the "Sharing Enlightenment" project.

    At the meeting, writers talked in detail about their creative ways and enjoyed the performance of songs written by the students of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan. In addition, creative meetings were held in schools 206-212-231 located in Yashnabad district, schools 62-229 located in Uch tepa district. During the meeting, saplings were planted with writers as part of the “Green Space” project, school libraries were visited and books were examined, and writers shared gifts from books written by them. At the end of the meeting, students of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan were interviewed around the dinner table.


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