Scientific and practical seminar

Scientific and practical seminar

Implementation of the Order No. 21 of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 19, 2024 “On accelerating the digitization of science and the formation and quality of scientific ethics”, in addition, the scientific conservatory In order to bring the SCIENTIFIC activity to a new level among the team, to reveal the content and essence of technical and scientific-theoretical issues through concrete examples through presentations, on January 29 of this year in the auditorium 455 of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, all the departments online and offline a scientific-practical seminar will be held for managers, professors and doctoral students working in the department. There are a number of issues in it, including the correct submission of scientific articles to scientific and methodical journals, increasing the citation level of articles, preventing anti-plagiarism in scientific articles, filling grant files in departments for state scientific and technical projects.

Not only lectures were given, but lectures were also given on revealing the contents of presentations connected to the Internet. At the end of the lectures, professors and doctoral students received answers to their questions.



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