Musical Pedagogy

Direction of bachelor’s degree:

 5150100 – Composer art

 5150200 – Art history (musicology)

 5150500 – Conducting (by type)              

 5150600 – Vocal art (by type)

 5150700 – Performing arts (by type)

 5150400 – Technogenic art (musical sound engineering)

 Direction of the magistracy:

 5А150100 – Composer art

 5A5150701 – Instrumental performance (piano (organ))

 5А150200 – Art history (musicology)

 5A150500 – Conducting (by type)

 5А150600 – Vocal art (by type)

 5А150700 – Performing arts (by type)

 Subjects taught at the department

 Bachelor’s educational disciplines:

  • Musical pedagogy and psychology
  • Professional pedagogy
  • Methods of teaching music-theoretical disciplines
  • Pedagogical technologies and pedagogical skills
  • Methods of teaching piano
  • Interpretation of piano music
  • Composer technique of the twentieth century, the study of piano writing
  • Modern problems of piano performance

Special disciplines of the magistracy:

  • Methods of teaching special disciplines

 Cathedral cooperation agreements:

  • National Conservatory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • RSMAL them.  V. Uspensky;
  • RSMAL named after R. Glier.

One of the main tasks of the department is an in-depth study of the theory and practice of teaching and the solution of methodological issues, which is the basis of the fundamental basis of the pedagogical direction of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.

In 1988 the department was formed as “Scientific Foundations of Music Education”, since 1997 the department was named “Music Pedagogy”.  This led to the opening in 2002 of a bachelor’s degree in a new direction “Music Education” at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.  One of the main elements of the department’s activity is the preparation of graduates of the conservatory for pedagogical activity, the formation of pedagogical knowledge and skills.  In 2002, in the history of the department, the republic became one of the key periods in the development of Higher Musical Pedagogy.  In the new State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, the first contingent of students in the direction of “Music Education” was formed, which meets the requirements of the time.

The main goal of this direction is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of pedagogy, music education and upbringing on the basis of a special musical base of the Uzbek State Conservatory.  Through the efforts of the teachers of the department, textbooks on subjects were published based on the new requirements of the state educational standard.  D. Murodova, Z. Karimova, R. Kodirov, D. Soipova, L. Ganieva, M. Akhmedov, O. Ivanov published new textbooks and teaching materials on pedagogical sciences.  In particular, the books of Professor R. Kadyrov “Musical Pedagogy” and “Musical Psychology” were adopted as the main reference books in the republican musical educational institutions.

In addition, the textbook created by Associate Professor D. Soipova “Theory and Methods of Music and Pedagogy” (2012) was recognized as the “Best Book of the Year” of the republican competition. Such specialists as S. Galitsky, T. Solomonova, V.  Srazhev, D. Hoshimova, N. Ryzhkova, G. Musina, T. Zimina, M. Artishevskaya.  Responsibility for teaching activities rests with the experienced specialists of the department.  For many years, our teachers M. Artishevskaya, D. Yunusova and G. Gurbanova have led the teaching practice.

The Department of “Musical Pedagogy” creates the necessary conditions for familiarization with all aspects of pedagogy and practice of students of all directions and specialties of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan.